CUET awareness campaign

In August, an awareness campaign entitled ‘Embracing Alternatives: Promoting Jute Usage as a Sustainable Substitute for Plastic.’ was held as part of the SCIP Plastics Project. This awareness program focused on ‘Preventing Plastic Pollution and Efficient Management’ and took place on August 14th, at CUET School and College.

The event garnered an impressive lineup of attendees, with the Vice-Chancellor of the CUET, Professor Dr. Mohammad Rafiqul Alam, serving as the chief guest. The event’s organization was managed by Professor Dr. Farzana Rahman Zuthi, the Scientific Director of the SCIP Plastics Project, who played a pivotal role in bringing the event to realization.

It commenced with an opening speech by Prof. Sudip Kumar Pal, a scientific expert of the SCIP Plastics Project, who addressed the importance of raising awareness about plastic pollution among students and teachers. To promote sustainable behavior among students, they were provided with Jute bags as a biodegradable alternative to single-use plastic bags. Subsequently, other appreciated guests delivered insightful speeches, underscoring the necessity of proper plastic waste management. Professor Dr. Farzana Rahman Zuthi announced that such programs will be conducted regularly, marking just the beginning of their efforts. The program concluded with a lunch session, fostering engagement and dialogue on the urgent issue of plastic pollution.